know him after the madvillainy album, this guy is the illest rapper i ever know, the metal face !!! dedicated ! respect !
we were suppose to be painting with killergerbil, but we were too late, cus they had to go back to bandung, so this was some night with kims and randy ( i dig his fakin character)
big ups for mark from manila for the show
more photos here…
707 guys always be a good friend of mine. so i was aksed to do some stuff on their upcoming new store in townsquare. i did the background with the real paint, and paste the characater above is what …
some simple stuff i did with some left cans
side by side with notorious nsane5
at the artcoholic’s crib
in case you forgot…it features my artwork
you can buy em straight from me, since max (footurama) went to NY so youll be dealin me
mail me at to buy em
featuring artworks from :
footurama, …
ill be contributing some posters for this event in manila
anyone out there in manila..please send me the photos (yo art !!!)
only a day ? daym..some experiment on 2×1 meter acrylic (mixed media)
click here for bigger version…